
Showing posts from April, 2024

Everyday Activities That Could Damage Your Wedding Bands

You love your wedding rings for women in Pembroke and you don’t want anything to happen to it. However, your daily activities could be harming your wedding bands or even corroding them. Once you wear your wedding band, it’s easy to forget about it after a couple of months. However, this can lead most people to clean, cook, or even garden with their ring on. Keep in mind that your wedding band is a huge investment and needs to be properly cared for. Here are some tips to keep in mind to care for your band properly. Working out Whether you head to the gym or prefer working out at home, make sure to avoid wearing your wedding rings in Pembroke while working up a sweat. Lifting weights, carrying heavy objects, or even working out can bend your band or even pull apart your prongs which could loosen your stones and cause them to fall out and get lost. Cooking Always think twice before wearing your rings in the kitchen. While cooking may not harm your wedding ring, the heat from...